My Blog Pages

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

High Line Canal 100K

Strideopolis Facebook Page
Here is the second run I have scheduled for Calendar Year 2017:

Littleton, Colorado
March 18, 2017

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Nuun Website Link

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

9 Mile Training Run

Strideopolis Facebook Page
Yesterday afternoon I put in a good 9 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail here in Monument, Colorado.

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Nuun Website Link

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Monday, December 26, 2016

15 Training Miles Ran

Strideopolis Facebook Page
I put in a good 15 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail on Saturday morning freeing up about 1,785 Calories for treats and meals over the long holiday weekend!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Nuun Website Link

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Fat-Free Chewy Chocolate Cookies

Fat-Free Chewy Chocolate Cookies

My goal this Holiday Season is to get past the first of the year without gaining a single once of weight...So far so good!  To help my weight cause I came across this Fat-Free Chewy Chocolate Cookie Recipe on the website.  They are so simple to make even I made a batch that turned out pretty darn good (See Attached Photo).

Here are the ingredients to make 30 Cookies:

1 1⁄2 cups flour
1⁄2 cup sugar
1⁄2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 cup Karo syrup (light or dark)
3 egg whites (or 1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp egg beaters)

They take minutes to make and here is the best part...Only 55 Calories and 0.3 Grams of Fat Per Cookie!  Here in Colorado if you leave these cookies uncovered they become rock hard and crunchy but if you cover them up they remain soft and chewy.  Either way they taste good for being low fat and low cal.

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Nuun Website Link

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

10 Mile Training Run

Strideopolis Facebook Page
Yahoo...This morning I put in a strong 10 Mile Training Run on the frozen, snow covered, slippery, and bumpy Santa Fe Trail.  It was slow going when I first hopped on the Santa Fe Trail here in Monument, Colorado but trail conditions increased dramatically as I got closer to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  When I finished my run the bright warm Colorado sun was already in the process of melting all of the snow off the Santa Fe Trail!

Wildlife Report:
This morning I was blessed to have the opportunity to see two fairly sized Bucks galloping along side of the Santa Fe Trail as I headed back to Monument.  It is just amazing how graceful wildlife can be. 

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Nuun Website Link

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Monday, December 19, 2016

7 Mile Training Run

Strideopolis Facebook Page
Yesterday I put in a very snowy 7 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail.  The Santa Fe Trail for the most part was covered with a good 4-5 inches of snow/packed snow as I made my way from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  With daily high temps forecasted to hover in the 40's all week long this little light dusting of snow we received over the weekend will not be around much longer on the Santa Fe Trail.

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Ollie The Springer Spaniel

Strideopolis Facebook Page

Oh...There's nothing like a doggone good snowstorm!  We finally got a small taste of winter here in Monument, Colorado after receiving a few inches of snow from a storm that passed by on Friday night.  Ollie, my future trail running Springer Spaniel, enjoyed his Saturday afternoon frolicking around in the freshly fallen snow.

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Friday, December 16, 2016

Frozen Front Range Marathon

Here is the first run I have scheduled for Calendar Year 2017:

Boulder, Colorado
January 7, 2017

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Thursday, December 15, 2016

10 Mile Training Run

Strideopolis Facebook Page
Early this morning I put in another very strong 10 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado all the way to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  Yahoo...The outside temperature reading on my Jeep Wrangler registered a warm 60 Degrees when I hopped off the Santa Fe Trail after my run.  A 60 Degree reading on December 15th for Colorado is truly a gift!  I love warm weather to run in but I also do miss the snow.

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Strideopolis: "Home Of The 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge"

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

9 Mile Training Run

Today I put in a strong 9 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail here in Monument, Colorado.  The trailhead temperature was a balmy 20 Degrees when I started my run to Palmer Lake, Colorado!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

8 Mile Training Run

Strideopolis Facebook Page
Yesterday I put in a good 8 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail here in Monument, Colorado!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Monday, December 12, 2016

Back On The Trail Again

Strideopolis Facebook Page
Today I gave myself the green light to get back on the Santa Fe Trail again here in Monument, Colorado after taking 8 days off from running to give my body a little break.  On December 3, 2016 I successfully completed my 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge of running 35 consecutive Half-Marathon Distance training runs on the Santa Fe Trail.  After sucking in the Santa Fe Trail Dust for 35 days straight my sinuses finally cleared up over the weekend so I decided to stretch my legs this morning and go on a short 8 Mile Training Run.  It felt great to fire up my Santa Fe Trail running engine again and take a nice leisurely run from Monument, Colorado to Palmer lake, Colorado.  It was a beautiful morning for a run with trail temperatures hovering somewhere in the mid 40's with a nice sunny blue sky welcoming me back to the Santa Fe Trail.  The weather forecast looks very promising for the end of this week with mild 50 degree temperatures returning to the Monument Area which means that I will soon be able to bust out some longer distance training runs!

Have A Nice Trail Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Saturday, December 10, 2016

13.1 Mile Training Run Recovery: Day 7


 Strideopolis Facebook Page
It has now been 7 Days since I completed running my 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge on the Santa Fe Trail here in Monument, Colorado and I am doing fine.  After running a grand total of 468 Miles in 35 Days my leg muscles, knees, and feet are all doing great!  The good news is that I did not experience any running related injuries during my 35 personal running adventures on the Santa Fe Trail.  The only thing I am really recovery from now is a good head cold from running in the cold temperatures at night.  For 35 straight days I enjoyed crystal clear sinuses due to my running but now that I have stopped running my sinuses have been a little plugged up.  There is nothing worse then trying to go to bed at night when you can not breathe out of your nose and are forced to breathe out of your mouth.  Mouth breathing at night is a real hoot here in Colorado because the air is so DRY that when you wake up in the morning not only is your mouth totally dry, but your teeth are also bone dry as well!

I still plan to give my body a few more days to recover before I decide to hop back on the Santa Fe Trail sometime next week to take in a few small training runs.  Last week we experienced subzero overnight low temperatures with daytime wind chills as low as -19 Degrees but we are now in the midst of a tropical heat wave with afternoon temperatures rebounding back into the 50's this weekend.  As soon as my sinuses decide to cooperate it will be tally-ho for my Santa Fe Trail Running all over again!

So after running 35 Back-To-Back 13.1 Mile Training Runs my runner's high is finally starting to tamper off, but I still have one ferocious appetite telling me to eat everything in sight!  I am currently enjoying my mini eating spree while I am in my running recovery but will soon start to reduce my caloric intake once again in order to preserve the weight loss I worked so hard to achieve over the past several months.  One thing I know about my body weight is that I can gain weight in lightning speed but it takes months and a tremendous amount of effort to take it all off again!  So at this point in time I need to stay proactive and try to remain ahead of my Caloric Curve...It will definitely be a challenge!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Monday, December 5, 2016

Day 36...When To Say When


 Strideopolis Facebook Page
The most important part of trail running is knowing "When To Say When" and on Day 36 it was time to say "When".  After 35 Days of consecutively running 13.1 Mile Training Runs, I decided it was time to hang up my Saucony running shoes and officially end my 30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge.  It was quite the adventure and I will provide more details on all of the milestones that I accomplished over the course of my challenge in my next Blog posting.

But for now...Farewell 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge but not Goodbye!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 35 Days I have run a Grand Total of 468 Miles (13.38 Miles X 35 Days = 468.30 Miles) and have burned approximately 54,145 Calories!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Day 35...Running On Empty


In the words of Jackson Browne, I was "Running On Empty" during yesterday's 35th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run of my 30 Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge.  My challenge has now been extended by 5 additional days but with single digit and sub-zero overnight low temperatures moving into the Monument Area in the next few days, my daily runs from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado may be coming to an end!

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures sighted on my late afternoon run!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I believe!

Celestial Report:
Sunny and cool but temperatures were above freezing which made for a pleasant day to run!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Fatigue Rank = 9

My running Fatigue Rank is starting to skyrocket!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 35 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 468 Miles (13.38 Miles X 35 Days = 468.30 Miles) and have burned approximately 54,145 Calories!

With temperatures expected to reach into the 40's with plenty of sunshine today it is very tempting to go on another 13.1 Mile Training Run, but the chances of going on another run is now "Slim to none and Slim is on vacation".

Happy Running Trails To You™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Day 34...I Almost Tapped Out


 Strideopolis Website
Day 34...Last night I was one step away from "Tapping Out" of my 30 Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge which now has been extended by 4 additional days!  When I stepped on the Santa Fe Trail it was 23 Degrees per my Jeep Wrangler dashboard and the Santa Fe Trail was covered in about 1/2 inch of freshly fallen snow.

The air felt quite crisp as I made my way from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado in the darkness of the night.  In order to protect myself from the stinging wind chills, I had to alter my 30 Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge course a bit by staying within the friendly confines of the Pine Trees that run along the Santa Fe Trail.  I still put in the same mileage as the original training run course but the Pine Trees made my run a little more hospitable during my 13.1 Mile scamper.  With some bitter cold air moving into the Monument Area over the next few days per The Weather Channel, I am not sure how much longer I will be able to extend my challenge.  Only Mother Nature knows.

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures sighted on my moonlight run...They where all covered in snow!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...Ditto...He was covered in snow too!

Celestial Report:
Brr...Brr...Brr!  Cold and Snowy!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 3
Legs Rank = 1
Fatigue Rank = 6

 Strideopolis Facebook Page

My Fatigue factor is starting to SPIKE!!!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 34 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 454 Miles (13.38 Miles X 34 Days = 454.92 Miles) and have burned approximately 52,598 Calories!

Going forward...Each additional 13.1 Mile Training Run is going to be considered a lucky Bonus Day extension of my 30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge.

Have A Nice Trail Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Day 33...Do It Again


Strideopolis Website
Day 33..."Do It Again"!  Yes, I got up this morning and took the advice from the rock band "The Kinks" and did it again by running my 33rd consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail this morning.  According to my Jeep Wrangler dashboard it was a brisk 22 Degrees when I pulled up to the Santa Fe Trail trailhead this morning, but without any wind it was a nice day for a run starting in Monument, Colorado running all the way to Palmer Lake, Colorado.

As of today, I have now burned approximately 51,051 Calories during the course of my entire 30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge.  To keep my challenge going past the 30 Day mark, I have now added a new Super Food to my daily diet...

...yes Homemade Pie!  Last week I made and baked the first Apple Pie in my entire culinary life!  It actually turned out to be very tasty and I soon followed up my first Apple Pie with my first Strawberry Pie and Blueberry Pie.  As you can tell from the picture above, I am now MORE concerned about MAINTAINING my current weight then losing any more weight during the duration of my 30+ Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge.  The next pie on the docket to bake...My very first Cherry Pie.  I need more CALORIES!

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures sighted on my morning run!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I Believe!

Celestial Report:
It was a Brisk sunny morning but yet another nice day for a training run.

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 3 (Up From 1)
Legs Rank = 1
Fatigue Rank = 3

I bruised my knee playing with my puppies last night so I will pay more attention to this condition on tomorrow's run!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 33 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 441 Miles (13.38 Miles X 33 Days = 441.54 Miles) and have burned approximately 51,051 Calories!

It's up, up, and away for tomorrow's moonlight trail run on the Santa Fe Trail.  Per The Weather Channel, I am going to be running in some very chilly temperatures tomorrow night with lows touching the teens during my 34th 13.1 Mile Training Run.

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page