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Saturday, December 10, 2016

13.1 Mile Training Run Recovery: Day 7


 Strideopolis Facebook Page
It has now been 7 Days since I completed running my 35-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge on the Santa Fe Trail here in Monument, Colorado and I am doing fine.  After running a grand total of 468 Miles in 35 Days my leg muscles, knees, and feet are all doing great!  The good news is that I did not experience any running related injuries during my 35 personal running adventures on the Santa Fe Trail.  The only thing I am really recovery from now is a good head cold from running in the cold temperatures at night.  For 35 straight days I enjoyed crystal clear sinuses due to my running but now that I have stopped running my sinuses have been a little plugged up.  There is nothing worse then trying to go to bed at night when you can not breathe out of your nose and are forced to breathe out of your mouth.  Mouth breathing at night is a real hoot here in Colorado because the air is so DRY that when you wake up in the morning not only is your mouth totally dry, but your teeth are also bone dry as well!

I still plan to give my body a few more days to recover before I decide to hop back on the Santa Fe Trail sometime next week to take in a few small training runs.  Last week we experienced subzero overnight low temperatures with daytime wind chills as low as -19 Degrees but we are now in the midst of a tropical heat wave with afternoon temperatures rebounding back into the 50's this weekend.  As soon as my sinuses decide to cooperate it will be tally-ho for my Santa Fe Trail Running all over again!

So after running 35 Back-To-Back 13.1 Mile Training Runs my runner's high is finally starting to tamper off, but I still have one ferocious appetite telling me to eat everything in sight!  I am currently enjoying my mini eating spree while I am in my running recovery but will soon start to reduce my caloric intake once again in order to preserve the weight loss I worked so hard to achieve over the past several months.  One thing I know about my body weight is that I can gain weight in lightning speed but it takes months and a tremendous amount of effort to take it all off again!  So at this point in time I need to stay proactive and try to remain ahead of my Caloric Curve...It will definitely be a challenge!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

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