My Blog Pages

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Day 32...In A Daydream


 Strideopolis Website
Day 32 of my "30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge" was an absolutely superb day to go on a 13.1 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail.  According to my Jeep Wrangler dashboard, it was a nice cool 29 Degrees this morning when I got on the Santa Fe Trail with a beautiful sunny blue sky keeping me warm as I made my way from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado.

As I made my way down the picturesque Santa Fe Trail, the song that played in my mind today was a song from one of my favorite bands "In A Daydream" by the Freddy Jones Band.  It was such a calm, sunny, and cheery morning I could not help myself from daydreaming as I ran my 32nd consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run.  I grew up with the Freddy Jones Band while I was living in Indianapolis shortly after graduating from college.  The Freddy Jones Band used to play at a local club in downtown Indianapolis a few times a month and I had the opportunity to see them many times along with having front row seats on numerous occasions.  The song "In A Daydream" is by far the most popular song that the Freddy Jones Band sang.  A great band, give them a listen!

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures sighted on my morning run!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I Believe!

Celestial Report:
Sunny, Cool, and Calm...Could not ask for better weather for November 30th!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

Strideopolis Facebook Page

It was a little slow going at first but after about a 1/4 of a mile into my run I started firing on all 8 pistons!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 32 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 428 Miles (13.38 Miles X 32 Days = 428.16 Miles) and have burned approximately 49,504 Calories!

I am ready for tomorrow's run of 13.1 Miles!!!

Happy Running Trails To You™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Day 31...The Law Of Inertia


 Strideopolis Website
The Law of Inertia states that "an object in motion tends to stay in motion".  Thus after staying in motion by running 30 consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Runs in 30 days, today I tended to stay in motion by going on my 31st consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run on the Santa Fe Trail.  It was yet another 35 Degree chilly day on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado early this morning.  My "30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge" of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively gets extended by another day!  The weather here in the Monument Area is still quite mild for the end of November so I am going to see how many more 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can get in before that first big snowfall brushes me off the trail!

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures sighted on my morning run!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I know he is out there somewhere!

Celestial Report:
Chilly and Breezy!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

Strideopolis Facebook Page

After going on 31 runs of 13.1 Miles, I am still running strong!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 31 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 414 Miles (13.38 Miles X 31 Days = 414.78 Miles) and have burned approximately 47,957 Calories!

All systems are go for another 13.1 Mile Training Run tomorrow morning!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Monday, November 28, 2016

Day 30...400 Miles Ran...Mission Accomplished!


Strideopolis Website
Wow...I did it!  Today I went on my 30th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run and hit the 400 Mile Milestone right on the nose...well maybe one mile over the milestone mark!  It was a sunny, chilly, and very windy final training run when I hopped on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado this morning.  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" vision quest continued as I added one more training run of 13.1 Miles to my streak, officially hitting my Goal of 30 training runs in a row.  I really can not believe that I got this far into my 30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge because after completing my first week of training runs, I really felt like my body was already spent especially when my feet and knees started to ache at night.  The "Good News" is that I stuck with my 30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge and ran right through the pain until it cleared up all on it's own.

Looking back at the last 30 Days/30 Runs, I have really put myself in a very good position for when I run the 24-Hours At Palmer Lake Fun Run and the Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run in April 2017.  I already dropped 15 pounds through diet and exercise prior to running my 30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge, and these additional 400 Miles I have run during my challenge have truly sculpted my body in ways I did not think were possible at my age.  I am now thinner and more cut than I was in my mid/late 20's!  The "Bad News" now is that I will have to go out and buy all new clothing because everything I wear today is super baggy on me.

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures sighted on my morning run!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but "The Man, The Myth, The Legend" is out there somewhere!

Celestial Report:
Sunny, Chilly, and Windy!  In other words...A great day to go on a Training Run!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

Strideopolis Facebook Page

I am really flabbergasted that my Legs, Knees, and Feet all feel better now then they did during the first week of my 30-Day 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge.

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 30 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 401 Miles (13.38 Miles X 30 Days = 401.40 Miles) and have burned approximately 46,410 Calories!

All I can say now after 30 Days of consecutively running 13.1 Mile Training Runs on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado is Mission Accomplished...or Is It???

Have A Nice Trail Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Day 29...It's In The Barn


My 29th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run is now "In The Barn...Moo"!  This morning I went on my 29th Training Run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado. "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" expedition continues leaving me now with only 1 more 13.1 Mile Training Run left in my Personal Training Run Challenge!

Oh it was another gorgeous day for a training run here in the State of Colorado with the sun shining bright all day long.  Even though the outside temperatures were quite mild, I did face a formidable headwind running all the way to Palmer Lake.  The wind gusts were so strong that the Palmer Lake lake actually had sizable white caps across the entire lake.  On the flip side, I really enjoyed running back to Monument because I had a VERY STRONG tailwind blowing me all the way back!

Wildlife Report:
Oh darn it, darn it.  No woodland creatures sighted on my morning run!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...Oh darn It!

Celestial Report:
Sunny, Warm, Windy...Windy...Windy...Windy...Windy...Windy!  Did I mention that is was WINDY!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1 (Drop From 3)
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

Strideopolis Facebook Page

My Legs, Knees, and Feet are all feeling Top Notch!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 29 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 388 Miles (13.38 Miles X 29 Days = 388.02 Miles) and have burned approximately 44,863 Calories!

Only 1 more 13.1 Mile Training Run left!!!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Strideopolis Website

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Day 28...Sweet Sunshine All The Way


 Strideopolis Website
When I went on my 28th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run this morning it was "Sweet Sunshine All The Way"!  The song "This Time Around" by The Freddy Jones Band was stuck in my head all morning as I ran from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado. "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" continues with only 2 more 13.1 Mile Training Runs left in my 30 Day Training Run Challenge!

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures sighted on my morning run!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...He was nowhere to be found!

Celestial Report:
Sunny and Warm with Sweet Sunshine All The Way!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 3
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

 Strideopolis Facebook Page

Legs, Knees, or Feet are all up to par!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 28 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 374 Miles (13.38 Miles X 28 Days = 374.64 Miles) and have burned approximately 43,316 Calories!

Only 2 more 13.1 Mile Training Runs left in my challenge!

Happy Running Trails To You™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Day 27...A Sky Full Of Stars


 Strideopolis Website
On Day 27 of "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively", I got to enjoy "A Sky Full Of Stars" in words of Coldplay as my streak of nighttime runs come to an end!  After last night's scamper down the Santa Fe Trail starting in Monument, Colorado running to Palmer Lake, Colorado I only have 3 more 13.1 Mile Training Runs remaining until I reach my goal of 30 back-to-back-to-back-to-back 13.1 Mile Training Runs.

Yes...Last night I got to enjoy a beautiful sky full of stars on a very nice calm and cold evening here in the State of Colorado.  The Good News is going forward all of my remaining runs are going to be daytime runs..."Good Day Sunshine"!  Once again, today's post is going to be very short because there is just to much to do today...Places to go...People to see!

Wildlife Report:
Yahoo...A few woodland creature sightings last night!  I saw two pair of glowing eyes.  One pair belonging to a Deer that just walked into the timberlands and another pair that looked like they belonged to a small coyote that was standing in the tall grass on the side of the Sant Fe Trail.  Way cool!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...He was busy star gazing!

Celestial Report:
An absolutely beautiful night for star gazing here in Monument/Palmer Lake, Colorado!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 3
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

 Strideopolis Facebook Page

No new aches or pains in my Legs, Knees, or Feet to report!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 27 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 361 Miles (13.38 Miles X 27 Days = 361.26 Miles) and have burned approximately 41,769 Calories!

I am going on my 28 consecutive training run this morning in order to push within 2 more 13.1 Mile Training Runs away from achieving my goal of 30 Runs.  Tally-ho!

Have A Nice Trail Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Day 26...A Marathon Of Half-Marathons


 Strideopolis Website
By running my 26th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run this afternoon on the Santa Fe Trail starting in Monument, Colorado running to Palmer Lake, Colorado I have now officially run a "Marathon of Half-Marathons"!  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" advances one notch as I inch closer to my overall goal of running 30 consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Runs.

Today's post is going to be short because I am still trying to digest my Thanksgiving Dinner I had a few hours ago.  On today's run I burned approximately 1,547 Calories but gave it all back by being able to enjoy a second helping of turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, dinner rolls along with a BIG slice of apple pie, chocolate brownies, and ice cream!  Yes...I strapped on the old feedbag and enjoyed every bite of my dinner.  It was just what my body needed after running for 26 days straight.

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures encountered on today's run but I did get to meet a very friendly poodle on the Palmer Lake Loop who ran with me on the trail for awhile!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...He was home enjoying a good turkey dinner!

Celestial Report:
WOW...The winds were really howling on the Santa Fe Trail today.  It was a real bear running to Palmer Lake but I got to enjoy a strong tailwind on the way back to Monument.

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 3
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

 Strideopolis Facebook Page

My lower extremities are all in tip-top shape! 

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 26 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 347 Miles (13.38 Miles X 26 Days = 347.88 Miles) and have burned approximately 40,222 Calories!

Tomorrow is going to be another nighttime run as I attempt to complete my 27th consecutive training run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail.

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Day 25...Lights Out


 Strideopolis Website
It was "Lights Out" on the Santa Fe Trail tonight when I ran from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado during my 25th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run.  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" odyssey continues as I get to advance my token to another record breaking running attempt on Thursday afternoon.

Yes it was "Lights Out" after the batteries in my headlamp began to go out shortly after I started my training run tonight.  Instead of turning back, I just decided to turn my headlamp off to conserve whatever battery life it still had left and proceeded to run to Palmer Lake in the pitch black of the night!  Wow...What an awesome experience being able to run down the Santa Fe Trail in complete darkness under one of the most perfect clear starry skies I have ever seen since I moved to Monument, Colorado.  There were a thousand stars visible in the Colorado sky and not a single cloud in sight.  I took a page out of Galileo's playbook and used the stars to help me navigate my way down the Santa Fe Trail during the course of my entire run.  This is the first time in my entire amateur running career that I have ever went on a 13.1 Mile Trail Run without the aid of a headlamp!  That was so much FUN I cannot wait to turn off my headlamp on my next nighttime run!

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures encountered on tonight's run...It was to dark to see anything!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...He blended in with the darkness of the Santa Fe Trail!

Celestial Report:
I was blessed by the Celestial Heavens tonight by being able to see such a breathe taking light show of bright stars in the clear Colorado sky.  I give tonight's light show a 10 out of 10 STAR rating!!!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 3
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

 Strideopolis Facebook Page

My Legs, Knees, and Feet did a great job running down a pitch black trail absorbing all of the bumps and shocks the Santa Fe Trail had to offer!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 25 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 334 Miles (13.38 Miles X 25 Days = 334.50 Miles) and have burned approximately 38,675 Calories!

Yahoo...When I attempt my 26th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run tomorrow afternoon it will be in the light of day and not the darkness of the night.  Tomorrow's run will also make more room for that Thanksgiving Bird.  This is Galileo signing off...Till next time.

Happy Running Trails To You™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Day 24...Snow, Cold, And Mud


 Strideopolis Website
Last night I picked myself by my Saucony shoestrings and headed down the snowy, cold, and muddy Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado to complete my 24th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run.  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" vision quest continues for at least another day.

My ultimate goal is to run a 13.1 Mile Training Run for each day in the month November, but if weather permits I will extend my challenge into the month of December.  The longterm forecast shows some colder weather moving into the Monument Area next week per The Weather Channel, so it is now a race against time to get my 13.1 Mile Training Runs in before the overnight temperatures start to drop into the teens/single digits.  It is doable to run in these cold temperatures as long as I am bundled up wearing my Burton snowboarding outerwear but I prefer to run when temperatures are above freezing.  The coldest temperature I have ever ran in was about 17 Degrees several years ago but then again I have also snowboarded in temperatures as low as -30 Degrees Below Zero up at Keystone Resort in Summit County.  If I can Snowboard in subzero temperatures up in the mountains I can definitely run in the 10's/20's here in the lower elevations.  It may not be as fun as snowboarding but it can be done.  I think the biggest threat to my 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge is if a major snowstorm hits the Monument Area then it will be game over for my challenge!

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures encountered or heard rustling around in the underbrush of the Santa Fe Trail!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I believe!

Celestial Report:
Zero star gazing last night due to a very low cloud ceiling that covered the entire Monument/Palmer Lake Area.

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 3 (Up from 1)
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

 Strideopolis Facebook Page

Ouch...My feet are starting to hurt due to running on the soft and muddy Santa Fe Trail over the last couple of days.  Hope it is temporary!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 24 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 321 Miles (13.38 Miles X 24 Days = 321.12 Miles) and have burned approximately 37,128 Calories!  Bring on that Thanksgiving Bird!

The colder weather and recent string of night runs is definitely making it more challenging to get my buttocks out on the Santa Fe Trail each day but what's a Personal Challenge if it isn't challenging???   A challenge is challenging...Who would of thunk it!

Have A Nice Trail Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Tuesday, November 22, 2016



 Strideopolis Website
Last night I reached the "300 Mile Milestone" by going on my 23rd consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado!  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" takes another leap forward as the Colorado weather continued to cooperate very nicely during my 23rd Run.

Per my Jeep Wrangler dashboard, when I got on the Santa Fe Trail last night it was a perfect 48 Degrees for running and there were NO strong Palmer Lake Tradewinds blowing around the Palmer Lake Loop.  It was a real quiet and tranquil evening for a run except that I encountered some fog at the start of my run which created a nice little halo of ambiance around my headlamp.  This was the first time that I have ever encountered fog on a trail at night which created a kind of tunnel vision affect as I scooted down the Santa Fe Trail into the darkness.  Once again, all of this nighttime training is going to pay big dividends when I am out in the middle of the Utah desert all night long during my Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run that I am scheduled to run in April 2017.  The more elements (Rain, Sleet, Snow, Wind, Bitter Cold, Woodland Creatures, Sasquatch, etc.) that Mother Nature throws at me now during my nighttime training runs...The better!

Wildlife Report:
Oh Yes...There were woodland creatures o'plenty last night!  At one point I had Coyotes yipping on both sides of the Santa Fe Trail as I made my way to Palmer Lake along with a set of glowing eyeballs starring at me from who/what in the thick brush that grew adjacent to the trail.  Wildlife encounters always add a little excitement to each and every run.

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but when you least expect it, expect it!

Celestial Report:
Star gazing was poor to say the least last night as low lying clouds blanketed the entire Colorado sky.

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

Except for a pretty good sugar crash I experienced last night that left my tongue dragging on the trail, I put in another good training run.  My Legs, Knees, and Feet all feel fine!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 23 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 307 Miles (13.38 Miles X 23 Days = 307.74 Miles) and have burned approximately 35,581 Calories!  Bring on that Thanksgiving Bird!

Today we have 1-3 inches of snow moving into the area so it should make for a very interesting 24th consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Mile attempt tonight.  As they say...Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Day 22...Rocky Mountain High


This afternoon I successfully completed my 22nd consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" takes a step forward as I set another personal training run record on a beautiful warm Sunday afternoon here in Colorado.

"Rocky Mountain High" by John Denver was the song that I was singing today on the Santa Fe Trail because after running 22 consecutive days of 13.1 Mile Training Runs my metabolism is really starting to hum.  I am absolutely starting to feel a very intense runner's high or in my case a Rocky Mountain High as my cumulative miles ran over the course of my 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge continue to increase.  I have also reached a point where there is some really serious body sculpting going on all around my midsection from all of my training.  I am now burning so many calories that I have opened up the diet floodgates allowing myself to eat everything in sight in order to satisfy my insatiable appetite.

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures encountered on my afternoon run...Sunday was their day of rest!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I Believe!

Celestial Report:
Another sunny warm day...Not sure how much longer this beautiful weather is going to last!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

My body is holding up just fine!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 22 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 294 Miles (13.38 Miles X 22 Days = 294.36 Miles) and have burned approximately 34,034 Calories!  Bring on that Thanksgiving Bird!

When I attempt to complete my 23rd consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run it is going to have to be another nighttime run due to a very busy Monday schedule...Oh joy!

Happy Running Trails To You™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado


Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Day 21...Raw Dog to Thaw Dog


 Strideopolis Website
Today I went from being "Raw Dog" who froze his tail off on the Santa Fe Trail last night to "Thaw Dog" who got to bask in the warm sun this afternoon as I trotted down the Santa Fe Trail during my 21st consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Miles.  Last night I was singing Paul Simon's song "Slip Slidin' Away" on the cold dark snowy trail but this afternoon I changed my tune to "Good Day Sunshine" by the Beatles!

This afternoon when I pulled up to the Santa Fe Trailhead the mercury was registering around a nice warm 53 Degrees per my Jeep Wrangler dashboard.  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" streak continues as I trotted and plotted down the Santa Fe Trail from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  It was such a pleasant feeling to be able to run in the light of day again under a nice Colorado sunny blue sky.  My challenge today was not the snow and cold, but the water and mud left behind by the melting snow.  On some parts of the trail it was like running in quicksand but this was excellent training for when I run the several mile long Mud Flats section of my Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run that I am scheduled to run in April 2017.  All in all, it was a great day for running!

Wildlife Report:
Phew...No woodland creatures encountered on my afternoon run except for a pint sized little Yorkshire Terrier that ran with me around the Palmer Lake Loop!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I Believe!

Celestial Report:
Sunny, Warm, and very Muddy!  I wouldn't have it any other way!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

Legs = "☑️ +", Knees = "☑️ +", Feet = "☑️ +"

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 21 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 280 Miles (13.38 Miles X 21 Days = 280.98 Miles) and have burned approximately 32,487 Calories!  Bring on that Thanksgiving Bird!

Tomorrow morning I am going to hit the bricks again and go for my 22nd straight Training Run of 13.1 Miles...To Infinity and Beyond!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado


 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

Day 20...Slip Sliding Away


 Strideopolis Website
In the words of Paul Simon, I went "Slip Sliding Away" down the Santa Fe Trail during my 20th consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Miles last night.  When I pulled up to the Santa Fe Trailhead the mercury was registering a cool 29 Degrees per my Jeep Wrangler dashboard with a very bitter wind blowing from the South.  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" marched onward and upward as I battled Old Man Winter's stinging windchill which at times turned my face numb.  All I could see running down the Santa Fe Trail last night was a mini fog bank directly in front of my face due to the water vapor from each and every breathe illuminating off of my headlamp.  Thus, during the course of my entire run all I had to look at was a puffy white cloud leading me down the Santa Fe Trail in the darkness of the night.

As I tip-toed through the snow that had fallen from the sky during Thursday night's snowstorm, I knew the trek from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado was going to be a bit more challenging then my previous 19 other training runs.  Last night was definitely the coldest weather that I have experienced this Fall and I was so glad that I overdressed in multiple layers.  I had my snowboarding thermos on along with my Burton snowboarding gloves which kept all ten of my digits snug as a bug in a rug.  Even though I was "Dressed To The Nines" in warm clothing last night, the strong winds still managed to cut through all of my layers and at times gave me a cool tingling sensation from top to bottom.  Wow...This was the first time during my 13.1 Mile Training Run Challenge that I actually thought the elements were going to stop me right in my tracks!

Wildlife Report:
Phew...No woodland creatures encountered on my morning run but I almost rolled my ankle on a big chunk of a frozen Horse turd that was just sitting there gazing at the stars in the nighttime sky!!!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...I think he went South for the Winter!

Celestial Report:
It was a very COLD, DARK, WINDY, and starry sky last night.  Hey "Man On The Moon"...where did you go?  I needed you to help light up the Santa Fe Trail last night.  Slacker!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Knees Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Legs Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Back Rank = 1

Once again my Legs, Knees, and Feet all received a "☑️ +" for helping me navigate through the Santa Fe Trail frozen tundra last night. 

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 20 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 267 Miles (13.38 Miles X 20 Days = 267.60 Miles) and have burned approximately 30,940 Calories!  Bring on that Thanksgiving Bird!

Well...I get to run in the daylight today if I wish to continue my quest of keeping my "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" going for another day...Phew.

Happy Running Trails To You™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado


 Strideopolis Website

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Day 19...The Winds Of Change Are A Blowing


Yes...The "Winds Of Change" were a blowing as a strong cold front pushed through the area while I attempted my 19th consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail this morning.  I had to advance "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" through a mercury reading of 35 Degrees per my Jeep Wrangler dashboard during today's run.

I could see the advancing cold front and low lying snowstorm clouds quickly approaching from the North, as I made my way from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado running straight into a brisk 20+ MPH headwind.  Wow...What a difference a day makes with yesterday's temperatures peaking out at about 70 degrees!  Even though at the start of my run it was 35 Degrees along with a cold windchill factor, I really did have a solid run today.  I got to enjoy seeing some really big snow flakes floating around the Palmer Lake Loop as well as a spectacular view of the low lying clouds delicately covering all of the Front Range mountain tops in the immediate area.  Oddly enough, I think I really enjoyed today's cold temperatures...It helped keep the swelling down in my extremities from running 254 Miles in 19 Days!!!

Wildlife Report:
Phew...No woodland creatures encountered on my morning run.  They are all in hibernation mode due to today's approaching snowstorm!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...Yep he's hibernating too!

Celestial Report:
Wind...Wind...Wind!  Finally some Snow/Precipitation after 45+ days of drought!!!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Knees Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Legs Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Back Rank = 1

My legs, knees, and feet all performed above average while running through the strong North headwinds I encountered on today's run.  They all earned a "☑️ +" for effort!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 19 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 254 Miles (13.38 Miles X 19 Days = 254.22 Miles) and have burned approximately 29,393 Calories!

Due to a busy schedule...I will have to say goodbye to the light of day and usher in another nighttime run if I want to keep my "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" stretch alive and kicking.  Per The Weather Channel, Friday night's low is suppose to drop to 13 Degrees so I am expecting it is going to be quite crisp on the Santa Fe Trail as I attempt my "20th" 13.1 Mile Training Run of my challenge.  One thing is for sure...It is going to be Fun...Fun...Fun!

Have A Nice Ultra™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado


 Strideopolis Website

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day 18...The Calm Before The Storm


 Strideopolis Website
The strong Colorado winds "Were Whistling Through The Willows" this morning as I attempted my 18th consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  I easily advanced "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" yet one more day but had to battle very strong crosswinds on the Santa Fe Trail throughout the entire course of my training run.

Breakfast was served immediately as soon as I set foot on the Santa Fe Trail as strong wind gusts hurled big clouds of dust and dirt directly at my face and mouth.  The Santa Fe Trail dust and dirt needs a little more salt because it did not taste very good as each new wind gust pummeled me flying trail debris from every direction.  The calm before the storm is now over with as these strong winds are now proceeding a cold front which is going to drop tomorrow's high temperatures into the mid 40's with a chance of SNOW per the Weather Channel!  Even though today's run was quite windy, the outside temperature as registered by my Jeep Wrangler showed the mercury climbing to 70 Degrees.  With this approaching cold front, tomorrow's run is going to be a bit more challenging with colder temperatures, precipitation, and stronger winds blowing around Palmer Lake.

Wildlife Report:
Phew...No woodland creatures encountered on my morning run.  They all got blown back into the woods by today's strong winds!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...He's hunkering down due to the approaching cold front!

Celestial Report:
Sun...Clouds...and Strong Winds.  Monument and Palmer Lake just would not be the same without them!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Knees Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Legs Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Back Rank = 1

I am still running strong despite 18 consecutive days of taking a pounding on the Santa Fe Trail.

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 18 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 240 Miles (13.38 Miles X 18 Days = 240.84 Miles) and have burned approximately 27,846 Calories!

Tomorrow's run should be a lot of fun...I now have to battle the outside elements along with 19 Days of running 13.1 Mile distance training runs!

Have A Nice Half-Marathon™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado


Strideopolis Website

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Day 17...It's A Tropical Heat Wave


 Strideopolis Website
Yeppers...It was another absolutely stunning morning to go on a record breaking 17th Training Run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" advanced another day under one of the WARMEST morning temperatures I have experienced in quite some time.  Per my Jeep Wrangler, the outside temperatures registered at 73 degree just a few short hours ago here in Monument, Colorado!  What a real treat to have temperatures this warm on November 15th.  Unfortunately...All goods things must come to an end.  The Weather Channel is predicting rain changing to SNOW on Thursday with an overnight low temperature PLUNGING all the way to 13 Degrees!!!  At least on Friday if I go for another training run of 13.1 Miles it is forecasted to be a BALMY 35 degrees with plenty of sun...Oh Yeah!

Wildlife Report:
Phew...No woodland creatures encountered on my morning run!

Sasquatch Report:
Phew...No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I Believe!

Celestial Report:
Sunny Blue Bird Colorado sky with definitely unseasonably warm temperatures!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Knees Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Legs Rank = 1 (Drop From 2)
Back Rank = 1

Today I had one of my fastest runs thanks to the tropical heat wave we have been experiencing here lately in Monument, Colorado.  My legs, knees, and feet are doing great after 17 days of consecutive running.  

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 17 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 227 Miles (13.38 Miles X 17 Days = 227.46 Miles) and have burned approximately 26,299 Calories!

I plan to get back on the Santa Fe Trail tomorrow morning to take in one more day of 70 degree temperatures before the bottom drops out in the weather on Thursday!

Happy Running Trails To You™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado


 Strideopolis Website