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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Day 26...A Marathon Of Half-Marathons


 Strideopolis Website
By running my 26th consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Run this afternoon on the Santa Fe Trail starting in Monument, Colorado running to Palmer Lake, Colorado I have now officially run a "Marathon of Half-Marathons"!  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" advances one notch as I inch closer to my overall goal of running 30 consecutive 13.1 Mile Training Runs.

Today's post is going to be short because I am still trying to digest my Thanksgiving Dinner I had a few hours ago.  On today's run I burned approximately 1,547 Calories but gave it all back by being able to enjoy a second helping of turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, dinner rolls along with a BIG slice of apple pie, chocolate brownies, and ice cream!  Yes...I strapped on the old feedbag and enjoyed every bite of my dinner.  It was just what my body needed after running for 26 days straight.

Wildlife Report:
No woodland creatures encountered on today's run but I did get to meet a very friendly poodle on the Palmer Lake Loop who ran with me on the trail for awhile!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...He was home enjoying a good turkey dinner!

Celestial Report:
WOW...The winds were really howling on the Santa Fe Trail today.  It was a real bear running to Palmer Lake but I got to enjoy a strong tailwind on the way back to Monument.

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 3
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

 Strideopolis Facebook Page

My lower extremities are all in tip-top shape! 

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 26 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 347 Miles (13.38 Miles X 26 Days = 347.88 Miles) and have burned approximately 40,222 Calories!

Tomorrow is going to be another nighttime run as I attempt to complete my 27th consecutive training run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail.

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

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