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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

9 Days In A Row...It's Another Record!

*** RECORD ***
 My Website
I was very close to throwing in the towel last night on my Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively.  Instead of throwing in the towel, I pulled my duff off the couch and decided to give it the "Old College Try" by going on another 13.1 Mile training run down the Santa Fe Trail in Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  This officially marks my 9th day in a row of running 13.1 Training Miles which is now my new personal record!  Even though it was pitch black on the Santa Fe Trail at 6:30 PM, due to daylight saving time, I enjoyed a beautiful run under the clear, calm, and starry sky.  I did not see any shooting stars in the sky last night but I did get to see hundreds of stars twinkling back at me and a gorgeous moon that lit up the Santa Fe Trail right before my eyes.

I did experience a moment of excitement on the Santa Fe Trail last night when I turned my head and my headlamp illuminated a pair of big bright eyeballs starring back at me from the tall grass on the side of the trail.  My first thought was it may be a Coyote crawling around in the tall grass that just happen to accidentally stumble across my path.  Then other thoughts such as it might be a small bear, a mountain lion, a Yeti, a Chupacabra, or maybe even Sasquatch himself..."Yes, I believe"!  As I continued to run down the Santa Fe Trail towards the glowing set of peepers, I soon realized that it was just a tiny little Deer poking it's head out of the weeds watching me as I ran by.  My headlamp has illuminated dozens of Deer's eyeballs over the years but it still gives me the "willies" when I am running down a dark remote trail at night and my headlamp bounces off a Deer's eyes.  Phew...Heart be still!  Each time it happens I feel like "I am" the deer in the headlights.

So far my legs, knees, shins, feet and lower back are all doing fine so I am all gung-ho to seeing if I can extend my Personal Training Run Challenge by another day!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

 Website Address

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