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Tuesday, November 22, 2016



 Strideopolis Website
Last night I reached the "300 Mile Milestone" by going on my 23rd consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Miles on the Santa Fe Trail running from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado!  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" takes another leap forward as the Colorado weather continued to cooperate very nicely during my 23rd Run.

Per my Jeep Wrangler dashboard, when I got on the Santa Fe Trail last night it was a perfect 48 Degrees for running and there were NO strong Palmer Lake Tradewinds blowing around the Palmer Lake Loop.  It was a real quiet and tranquil evening for a run except that I encountered some fog at the start of my run which created a nice little halo of ambiance around my headlamp.  This was the first time that I have ever encountered fog on a trail at night which created a kind of tunnel vision affect as I scooted down the Santa Fe Trail into the darkness.  Once again, all of this nighttime training is going to pay big dividends when I am out in the middle of the Utah desert all night long during my Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run that I am scheduled to run in April 2017.  The more elements (Rain, Sleet, Snow, Wind, Bitter Cold, Woodland Creatures, Sasquatch, etc.) that Mother Nature throws at me now during my nighttime training runs...The better!

Wildlife Report:
Oh Yes...There were woodland creatures o'plenty last night!  At one point I had Coyotes yipping on both sides of the Santa Fe Trail as I made my way to Palmer Lake along with a set of glowing eyeballs starring at me from who/what in the thick brush that grew adjacent to the trail.  Wildlife encounters always add a little excitement to each and every run.

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but when you least expect it, expect it!

Celestial Report:
Star gazing was poor to say the least last night as low lying clouds blanketed the entire Colorado sky.

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

Except for a pretty good sugar crash I experienced last night that left my tongue dragging on the trail, I put in another good training run.  My Legs, Knees, and Feet all feel fine!

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 23 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 307 Miles (13.38 Miles X 23 Days = 307.74 Miles) and have burned approximately 35,581 Calories!  Bring on that Thanksgiving Bird!

Today we have 1-3 inches of snow moving into the area so it should make for a very interesting 24th consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Mile attempt tonight.  As they say...Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado

Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

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