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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Day 21...Raw Dog to Thaw Dog


 Strideopolis Website
Today I went from being "Raw Dog" who froze his tail off on the Santa Fe Trail last night to "Thaw Dog" who got to bask in the warm sun this afternoon as I trotted down the Santa Fe Trail during my 21st consecutive Training Run of 13.1 Miles.  Last night I was singing Paul Simon's song "Slip Slidin' Away" on the cold dark snowy trail but this afternoon I changed my tune to "Good Day Sunshine" by the Beatles!

This afternoon when I pulled up to the Santa Fe Trailhead the mercury was registering around a nice warm 53 Degrees per my Jeep Wrangler dashboard.  "My Personal Training Run Challenge of seeing how many 13.1 Mile Training Runs I can run consecutively" streak continues as I trotted and plotted down the Santa Fe Trail from Monument, Colorado to Palmer Lake, Colorado.  It was such a pleasant feeling to be able to run in the light of day again under a nice Colorado sunny blue sky.  My challenge today was not the snow and cold, but the water and mud left behind by the melting snow.  On some parts of the trail it was like running in quicksand but this was excellent training for when I run the several mile long Mud Flats section of my Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run that I am scheduled to run in April 2017.  All in all, it was a great day for running!

Wildlife Report:
Phew...No woodland creatures encountered on my afternoon run except for a pint sized little Yorkshire Terrier that ran with me around the Palmer Lake Loop!

Sasquatch Report:
No run-ins with Sasquatch...but I Believe!

Celestial Report:
Sunny, Warm, and very Muddy!  I wouldn't have it any other way!

Bio Report:
Here is how my Bio Report currently reads (1= Good, 10 = Bad)
Feet Rank = 1
Knees Rank = 1
Legs Rank = 1
Back Rank = 1

Legs = "☑️ +", Knees = "☑️ +", Feet = "☑️ +"

Here's The Skinny:
In the last 21 Days I have now run a Grand Total of 280 Miles (13.38 Miles X 21 Days = 280.98 Miles) and have burned approximately 32,487 Calories!  Bring on that Thanksgiving Bird!

Tomorrow morning I am going to hit the bricks again and go for my 22nd straight Training Run of 13.1 Miles...To Infinity and Beyond!

Have A Nice Run™

Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado


 Smile Each Mile Facebook Page

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