When I officially kicked off my training for these two long runs I decided I was going to try something fun and different this year. I wondered how many consecutive 13.1 Mile distance training runs could I do before my legs cried "Uncle". My plan was to start my runs at the "52 Mile Marker" on the Santa Fe Trail Head in Monument, Colorado and run to Palmer Lake, Colorado which is just past the Santa Fe Trail "55 Mile Marker". From there I would then run 9 laps around the Palmer Lake Loop which has a distance of .82 Miles per lap. Thus, 3 Miles to Palmer Lake, .82 Miles per lap times 9 laps around the lake equals 7.38 Miles, and 3 Miles back to Monument equals a Total Distance of 13.38 Miles per training run.
So far I have surprised myself and have put in 8 strong consecutive training runs for a grand total of 107 Training Miles that I have run in the last eight days! Based on my weight, this means that I have burned approximately 12,480 calories during the course of all of these training runs. In order to keep up with my increased caloric burn I am now eating everything in sight. I have also thrown my low calorie diet out the window until my personal 13.1 Mile fun run challenge comes to an end. This challenge alone will definitely take care of any remaining excesses around my midsection.
So after running 107 Miles how do I fell? Well...Except for a small blister on my big legs, knees, ankles, and over all body feel just fine. I do not know how many more consecutive training runs of 13.1 Miles I have in me, but the biggest challenge I face going forward is not a physical challenge but more of a phycological one. So far all of my training runs, except for one, have all been day runs. This week, due to a busy schedule, I will be forced to do several training runs at night if I want to keep my 13.1 Mile Training Run streak alive. Day running is easy because the scenery from the Santa Fe Trail is very beautiful, but at night the trail is pitch black and the training runs can start to get a little monotonous. Although there are two benefits to running at night, [1] It's great training for when I run at night in the vast pitch black desert of Utah during the 2017 Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run, and [2] It gives me a great opportunity to star gaze.
Last Friday night when I went on my first night run down the Santa Fe Trail, I actually got to see an absolutely beautiful shooting star that appeared right over Palmer Lake. I just happened to glance up to the Celestial Heavens and there it was streaking across the clear sky throwing off a shower of sparks before it disappeared into the darkness. What made this shooting star so special to me is that it was the first shooting star that I have ever seen in my entire life! That equates to 40 something years! Yes...Of course...I did make a wish upon this star so time will only tell if my wish comes true.
So the question that remains now is will I try to extend my 13.1 Mile Training Run streak to 9 Days in a row by going on a run tonight or will I throw in the towel and call it quits???
Stay tuned!
Darin Lewandowski
Monument, Colorado
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